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Publish a New Sermon

Publishing sermons natively on your website makes it easier for users to find your sermons when they search you site. It also makes it easier for search engines like Google or DuckDuckGo to index your content and relate it to your website and organization. In fact, it’s helpful for showing up in more search results. For example, if someone lives in your neighborhood and is online searching for something like “divorce” or “leadership”, then it’s more likely that you’ll come across their path if you have sermons on your website that talk about those topics. We encourage you to also include a detailed description that could even include the text content of your sermon along with the video and audio versions of your sermon. In this guide, we’ll show you how to add a sermon to your Digital Church website.

  1. Login to your website and hover over the + New button in the top left corner in your administrative toolbar.
  2. Click on Sermon to add a new sermon. That should take you here:
  3. In the sermon editor, you can add a title and a description. Then add metadata to your sermon below the main editor window. This could include the sermon series you’d like to add this sermon to, the person you’d like listed as the speaker, the media files associated with this sermon like audio and video, and even a custom background image for the sermon page. (If you have a sermon slide background image for sermon notes in ProPresenter, those work great for this.)
  4. Lastly, don’t forget to add a featured image to your post in the right sidebar. (This is the image that shows up on the sermons or series page and other places on your site.)
  5. When you are all done, be sure to check everything over on the frontend of your website and let us know if you need any help!