📄️ Overview
📄️ Linking Directly to the Latest Sermon
Sometimes you want a link that automatically updates to the latest sermon.
📄️ Podcast Syndication Time
You might wonder why some change you have made—like updating an image or posting a new episode—isn’t showing up yet in iTunes, as this can be a source of concern or frustration.
📄️ Encoding Audio Podcasts
File Type: mp3
📄️ Publish a New Sermon
Publishing sermons natively on your website makes it easier for users to find your sermons when they search you site. It also makes it easier for search engines like Google or DuckDuckGo to index your content and relate it to your website and organization. In fact, it’s helpful for showing up in more search results. For example, if someone lives in your neighborhood and is online searching for something like “divorce” or “leadership”, then it’s more likely that you’ll come across their path if you have sermons on your website that talk about those topics. We encourage you to also include a detailed description that could even include the text content of your sermon along with the video and audio versions of your sermon. In this guide, we’ll show you how to add a sermon to your Digital Church website.
📄️ Reordering Sermon Series
When you go to add your sermon series, you often want to start with the latest series and work your way back in time to add several of the previous series. As a result, the sermon series may be displaying on your website in reverse chronological order, since that was the order you put them in as. Let’s show you a few ways to fix that.
📄️ Publish to Apple Podcasts
To get started, let’s make sure your podcast feed is properly set up. We’ll preview the feed in your web browser before we submit the feed to Apple.