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Largest Contentful Paint

We are working on writing our own guides for this section. In the meantime, this video series from the makers of Perfmatters and Kyle Deusen at The Admin Bar is a primary reference for us.

Quick Notes

  • Server response time (TTFB), including HTML doc size has a huge impact on LCP. The further the distance, the more it matters. Don’t skip this! See previous video on TTFB, caching, etc.
  • Get LCP under 2.5 seconds or less. Remember, Google uses throttled 4G mobile connection.
  • Minify your JS and CSS.
  • Remove unused CSS.
  • Delay unused JS until it’s needed on user interaction.
  • Defer JS to help eliminate render-blocking resources and avoid chaining critical requests.
  • Host your fonts locally, add swap, and preload them.
  • Decrease any large resources. Image optimization, fixing large font libraries, etc.
  • Lazy load any images below the fold.
  • Preload your LCP image and make sure to exclude images above the fold from lazy loading. You can also use fetch priority.
  • Disable JS/CSS and or entire plugins from loading where they shouldn’t with a tool like the Script Manager.
  • Take advantage of speculative loading techniques.

Lazy loading

As a default, enable lazy loading and set it to ignore the first two images on each page so it doesn't lazy load above the fold.

  • Images: true
  • Exclude Leading Images: 2
  • iFrames and Videos: true
  • YouTube Preview Thumbnails: true
  • Exclude from Lazy Loading:
  • Threshold: 240px
  • DOM Monitoring: false
  • Add Missing Image Dimensions: true
  • Fade In: true
  • CSS Background Images: true
  • Background Selectors:

Minify CSS & JS

Go ahead any minify CSS and JS in perfmatters. This rarely causes any issues.

Reduce Unused CSS

  • Enable Reduce Unused CSS
  • Set the type to File.
  • Stylesheet behavior: Delay

Delay JS

Go ahead and delay all scripts. Use the quick exclusions like GRavity Forms and Kadence Menu.

Defer Javascript

This helps with Eliminate Render Blocking Resources.